
Prison Ministry

VCLi has been involved in prison ministry, in partnership with Prison Fellowship, since 2001. We have conducted SALT seminars, donated materials and trained volunteers to teach and minister. Through this outreach, thousands of inmates have come to Christ and many more are growing in their walk with the Lord.

Testimonies from a recent SALT seminar in the Lewis Prison in Buckeye, AZ:

"It is a true blessing to have such dedicated and faithful men and women of God take the time to bring these messages and teachings to us in this place so despised by society.” Luke

“This seminar has helped me in understanding who I am. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. I see myself as Christ sees me and know that God sees the righteousness of Christ when he looks at me.” John

“I have been able to finally see the pitfalls ahead of my walk that have kept me from the right path. Taking responsibility for who I am and accepting that I am a forgiven, loved, cherished child of God. This program has helped to open my mind and accept what is freely given through the blood of Christ.” George

7 yrs of prison ministry...

247 SALT seminars

9,869 prisoners

1,796 salvations

551 rededications

41 prisoners baptized

89 volunteers trained

Over 26,000 books provided to prisoners

If you are interested in using SALT to minister in prisons, please give us a call. You can talk to our prison ministry director Sandra Tarlen at 602.482.2164 x138 or email her at starlen@vcli.org.

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