2 Timothy 4:2 (MSG)
Pre Seminar Checklist
□ Read through the Marital workbook from the SALT series and answer the questions.
□ Review the lesson notes in the SALT Instructor’s Guide in preparation to teach each of the four lessons from the Marital Area of Life. Review notes on Leading a SALT Group beginning on page iv of the SALT Instructor’s Guide.
□ Make sure you have the Marital workbook from the SALT series available for each person attending the workshop.
□ Gather the following supplies: name tags, paper, and pens for taking notes.
□ Have a whiteboard, overhead projector or PowerPoint projector for displaying the diagrams.
□ Read through the Marital workbook from the SALT series and answer the questions.
□ Review the lesson notes in the SALT Instructor’s Guide in preparation to teach each of the four lessons from the Marital Area of Life. Review notes on Leading a SALT Group beginning on page iv of the SALT Instructor’s Guide.
□ Make sure you have the Marital workbook from the SALT series available for each person attending the workshop.
□ Gather the following supplies: name tags, paper, and pens for taking notes.
□ Have a whiteboard, overhead projector or PowerPoint projector for displaying the diagrams.
Suggested Schedule
9:00–9:20 Registration and Fellowship (20 minutes)
9:20–9:30 Welcome (10 minutes)
9:30–10:00 Teach Marital Lesson One (30 minutes)
10:00–10:10 Couple’s Activity - Praying together (10 minutes)
10:10–10:20 Break (10 minutes)
10:20–10:50 Teach Marital Lesson Two (30 minutes)
10:50–11:05 Demonstrate the communication tool in Lesson Two (15 minutes)
11:05–11:25 Couple’s Activity – Communication (20 minutes)
11:25-12:00 Group Discussion of Lesson One and Two (35 minutes)
12:00–1:00 Lunch (1 hour)
1:00–1:30 Teach Marital Lesson Three (30 minutes)
1:30–1:40 Individual Activity – Repentance (10 minutes)
1:40–1:50 Break (10 minutes)
1:50–2:20 Teach Marital Lesson Four (30 minutes)
2:20–2:30 Couple’s Activity – Seek Forgiveness (10 minutes)
2:30–3:00 Sharing and Prayer (30 minutes)
Seminar Elements
Registration and Fellowship (20 minutes)
□ Hand out or have people purchase the Marital workbook from the SALT series.
□ Give everyone a name tag as well as paper and pen for taking notes.
□ Have drinks and snacks available, if desired.
Welcome (10 minutes)
□ Welcome all those attending the seminar.
□ Explain seminar schedule (teaching, activities, group time, breaks, lunch).
□ Prayer
Marital Chapter One – Two Becoming One (30 minutes)
□ Draw diagram and teach from the Lesson Notes beginning on page 145 of the SALT Instructor’s Guide.
Couple’s Activity (10 minutes)
□ “Tell your spouse two things you appreciate about him or her. Pray together. Ask God to bless your spouse, your marriage and your time in the Marriage Seminar.”
Break (10 minutes)
Marital Chapter Two – Psychological Intimacy (30 minutes)
□ Draw diagram and teach from the Lesson Notes beginning on page 151 of the SALT Instructor’s Guide.
Demonstration of Communication Tool (15 minutes)
□ With a partner, demonstrate the communication tool explained in this chapter. The speaker chooses an event that will take place in the following week. Speaker shares what he or she is thinking, feeling and desiring in regards to that event, Listener models being attentive and responsive and feeds back what the speaker shared.
Couple’s Activity (20 minutes)
□ “Take turns speaking and listening to each other. As the speaker, share what you are thinking, feeling and desiring concerning an upcoming event. As the listener, feed back what the speaker just shared.”
Lunch (1 hour)
Marital Chapter Three – Spiritual Intimacy (30 minutes)
□ Draw diagram and teach from the Lesson Notes beginning on page 157 of the SALT Instructor’s Guide.
Personal Prayer Time (10 minutes)
□ Give participants time to pray and repent of competing with God and confess not fulfilling their God given roles in their marriage.
Break (10 minutes)
Marital Chapter Four – Restoring Intimacy (30 minutes)
□ Draw diagram and teach from the Lesson Notes beginning on page 163 of the SALT Instructor’s Guide.
Couple’s Activity (10 minutes)
□ “Turn to your spouse, knees to knees and holding hands, and ask forgiveness for something you have done that has hurt or offended your spouse.”
Sharing and Prayer (30 minutes)
□ “Would anyone like to share what impacted you the most today?”
□ Encourage the couples to go through the Marriage workbook in the following weeks and answer the questions.
□ End the seminar by praying for the couples.
Order Marital Workbooks and Instructor's Guide Now...
Victorious Christian Living International exists to serve you. We are available to come to your location to run a SALT Seminar or present a training day for your leaders. If you have any questions, please contact our Training Director at 1.888.577.4904. Learn more about our training here.
Victorious Christian Living International exists to serve you. We are available to come to your location to run a SALT Seminar or present a training day for your leaders. If you have any questions, please contact our Training Director at 1.888.577.4904. Learn more about our training here.
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