
Warsaw Poland

In April of 2007, Laurie Southwick and Tammy Benjamin traveled to Warsaw, Poland to share SALT. In two conferences they ministered to 33 pastor’s wives representing 32 churches from all across Poland. Putting SALT into the hands of these ladies, who live in a country with extremely limited Christian resources, was like giving them a priceless gift.

Laurie shares about her experience, “The SALT lessons are simple, but we watched the diagrams transcend all verbal barriers. We heard statements such as, ‘these diagrams make your words come alive.’ These women wanted "real" people to relate to and interspersing our testimonies throughout our teaching was life changing for them. Pastors shared with us things like, ‘Wow, it sounds like our wives are receiving really good teaching. I want to hear too!’ We watched as two women reconciled a hurt from the past and another woman shared how grateful she was to be given six months worth of materials for her ladies Bible study.”

As a result of these two conferences, people in churches all across Poland, from the Baltic Sea to just north of Prague, are being given life-changing truth through the SALT materials, and the story is not over yet. SALT is in the process of being translated into Polish. These churches are desiring more training and have invited us to come back next year. Stay tuned for more stories of changed lives!

Laurie Southwick

Tammy Benjamin

We want to see God's children all around the world experience the abundant life they were created for. We are available to travel to other countries to do SALT teaching and training. There are also oportunities for you to translate SALT for ministry in other countries. For more information contact Ted Sellers at 602-482-2164 x141 or tsellers@vcli.org.

1 comment:

Greg McKelvey said...

hi i am a pastor in maine, i lived in poland for 8 years in the city of krakow! polish people are great if i can be of any help let me know

